Click to view 360

Cedar Lake Summer House

NOTE: Before viewing the 360VR tour, check out the Still Images Gallery, then compare the difference in experience between the two. View the still images first, because once you view 360s, you get a spacial context for the still images you wouldn't otherwise have.

This tour uses a floorplan for navigation, including a "field of view" indicator to show where you are looking. This is a big help for putting each virtual tour node (viewpoint) into context with the surroundings and with other nodes. A thumbnail menu is can also be used to change locations.

View in Full Screen mode: Click Full Screen button at bottom of the image.


To look around just click and drag the image with your mouse, or use your keyboard's arrow keys. Zoom in and out using your mouse wheel or the +/- buttons at the bottom of the image.

For more 360 interactive images and virtual tours visit the main Tour de Force 360 website.